On Friday, 24 May Africanarra will coincide with Reggionarra, the original storytelling event happening in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and in settings worldwide inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach.

Africa Reggio Emilia Alliance (AREA), the official reference point for the Reggio Emilia Approach in Africa, appointed by Reggio Children has launched a story-telling initiative called Africanarra. 

Africanarra, a storytelling weekend, draws its inspiration from Reggionarra, the original storytelling event which takes place annually in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and the birthplace of the Reggio Emilia Approach. It is a fitting tribute from Africa Reggio Emilia Alliance (AREA) to mark the 30th anniversary of the founder of the Reggio Emilia Approach, Loris Malaguzzi's passing and the birth of Reggio Children. 

Africanna wide image

What kind of stories will be told?

Just about anything you can dream of! Imagine lunchtime stories on blankets; stories by torchlight under the stars; stories created and acted out by children or grandparents; stories woven together and animated by students and teachers; actors and musicians in classrooms, halls, or public parks. Fairytales and folktales, new stories and old favourites, stories of courage and hope, stories of childhoods long ago, stories for all ages, shadow stories and puppet show, stories in your mother tongue, stories in mime or sign language.